Fort Kijkduin

Fische beruehren im Aquarium

Fische beruehren im Aquarium

Den Helder

Gibraltar des Nordens

Den Helder - Gibraltar of the North. That's how emperor Napoleon called the city of Den Helder during his visit in 1811. The strategic city is located near the coast and has a strategic navy harbour. The emperor found the fortifications that protected the city too weak. Therefore he decided to build five new fortifications. Most fortifications disappeared during the centuries. One fortress remained and was extensively restored in 1996. It's called Fort Kijkduin.


Located in the basement of the fortification is an aquarium. Here you can see sharks and even touch some of the fish.

Den Helder Ausflüge in die Umgebung

    Adress- und Besucherinformationen

    Fort Kijkduin

    Adresse: Admiraal Verhuellplein 1
    PLZ / Ort: 1789 AX  Den Helder
    Region: Kop van Noord-Holland
    Provinz/Region: Noord-Holland
    Telefon: +31 (0)223 61 23 66

    Visit: Ein durchschnittlicher Besuch dauert ca. 2 Std.
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    Waxing Quarter

    Übernachten Den Helder?

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