
Cuypershuis, Roermond
Das Leben und Werk des niederlandischen Architekten Pierre Cuypers
Roermond - Amsterdam Central Station, the world famous Rijksmuseum and more than 70 neo-Gothic churches and monasteries in the Netherlands are designed by the Dutch architect Pierre Cuypers.
Architekt/Designer Pierre Cuypers (1827-1921) ist in Roermond geboren und aufgewachsen.
The Cuypers House shows the life and work of the architect. The building was designed by Cuypers himself in 1852 and is a symmetric double house with gables and tile panels. Also his managing partner Francois Stoltzenberg lived in the same building.

The new museum was opened in October 2011.
Abstimmungsergebnisse Cuypershuis 3 / 5 Sterne
Rezensionen 1