Das weiße Städtchen Thorn

Das weiße Städtchen Thorn

Das weiße Städtchen Thorn


Alle Häuser sind hier weiß

Thorn - Bei einem Spaziergang durch die Stadt Thorn wird sofort klar, woher der Spitzname „Die weiße Stadt“ kommt. Nirgendwo in den Niederlanden finden Sie mehr weiße Gebäude als in diesem ursprünglich kleinen Fürstentum! Was gibt es in Thorn zu sehen?


The history of the principality of Thorn begins with the construction of an abbey in the 10th century. Over time, the abbey grew into a pen (monastery) headed by a woman of nobility, who was also head of the principality. The government also consisted of only women of nobility. 'Girlpower' clearly already existed then.

Thorn, the whitest town in the country
Left: The residence of dean princess Gabriella of Salm-Salm from 1630. Right: De Kraek aan de Holstraat from 1710

Own army, currency and justice, until ...

In its heyday, Thorn had his own army, minted her own currency and also had her own jurisdiction. At the hands of the French, the noble ladies' government fled from Thorn in 1794 and the principality came to an end.

The local people, who had previously always worked for the nobility, now had to switch to farming. Sheds and stables were built from old materials and to make it look not too shabby, all buildings were whitened with the cheapest available: white lime.
Nowadays a beautiful old whitish-white town remains: The whitest town in the Netherlands

Thorn, the whitest town in the country
Thorn, the whitest town in the country. Even the pigeons are white!


The fourteenth-century Stifts Church is dedicated to Saint Michael and is a remnant of the 'Stift van Thorn', the monastery of the noble ladies. The tower is nineteenth century and built by architect Cuypers. Striking is the rare baroque interior for the Netherlands.

The house with the three bullets

The house with the 3 bullets can be found behind the large Abbey church and dates from 1648, the same year as the Treaty of Munster.

Thorn area

Thorn is located near the recreational lake De Grote Hegge. In the area you can also walk well, such as in the nature reserve Koningsteen.

Das weiße Städtchen Thorn Fotogallerie

Was sagen die Besucher über Das weiße Städtchen Thorn?

Thorn Ausflüge in die Umgebung

    Adress- und Besucherinformationen

    Das weiße Städtchen Thorn

    Adresse: Hoogstraat
    PLZ / Ort: 6014  Thorn
    Region: Noord-Limburg
    Provinz/Region: Limburg

    Visit: Ein durchschnittlicher Besuch dauert ca. 2 Std.
    Thorn liegt in Zentral-Limburg, nahe der belgischen Grenze. Mit dem Auto nehmen Sie die Ausfahrt 41 der Autobahn A2 Eindhoven - Maastricht.

    Wichtig: Die Orte auf der Karte sind Richtwerte. Es ist nicht immer die Einfahrt, der Parkplatz oder die beste Route. Die Karte zeigt bis zu 8 Standorte in der Umgebung. Möchten Sie alle Standorte sehen? Überprüfen Sie unsere Hotspot-Karte oder verwenden Sie die Suche auf dieser Website.



    Waxing Quarter

    Übernachten Thorn?

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