Louwman Nationales Automobilmuseum

Louwman Museum

Louwman Museum

Den Haag

Sport-, Renn- und Filmautos

Den Haag - Buckle up and enjoy the beautiful Louwman car collection in The Hague. The Louwman National Automobile Museum is the home of the world's oldest private collection of motor cars. The museum exhibits over two hundred and fifty antique, sports and classic motor cars. If you are car crazy and interested in the history of automobiles from the first horseless carriages trough steam, motorised and electric vehicles, this is the museum you should pay a visit to!

Seltene Sport- und Rennwagen

The special car collection has been gathered by the Louwman family. The cars are exhibited since 2010 in a new museum building in The Hague.

No speed limits

A remarkable car is the Porsche 356B. The car has been used by the Dutch traffic police until 1966. At that time there were no speed limits and crash barriers in the Netherlands. The Porsches were being used to reduce the number of accidents.
Policemen driving the Porsches had to married and father. The idea was that they would not take any unnecessary risks.

Louwman Nationales Automobilmuseum Fotogallerie

Was sagen die Besucher über Louwman Nationales Automobilmuseum?

Den Haag Ausflüge in die Umgebung

    Adress- und Besucherinformationen

    Louwman Nationales Automobilmuseum

    Adresse: Leidsestraatweg 57
    PLZ / Ort: 2594 BB  Den Haag
    Region: Den Haag
    Provinz/Region: Zuid-Holland
    Telefon: +31 (0)70 304 7373
    Email: info@louwmanmuseum.nl
    Web: louwmanmuseum.nl

    Visit: Ein durchschnittlicher Besuch dauert ca. 3 Std.
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