
Het Lutterzand

Het Lutterzand

De Lutte

The sandy cliffs

De Lutte - The water of the Dinkel river has "eaten" its way trough the landscape of the Lutterzand, a sandy area near the German border. Along the winding river natural sand cliffs have been cut out by the erosion. These impressive cliffs are up to eight meters high.

Lutterzand and the ice age

The sand of the Lutterzand area originates from the last two ice ages.
Because the water of the Dinkel river in the outer corner flows faster than in the inner curve, by erosion steep sand cliffs are created. The erosion process is still continuing. Along the cliff you see different trees that have fallen over the edge.

lutterzand Fotogallerie

Was sagen die Besucher über lutterzand?

De Lutte Ausflüge in die Umgebung

    Adress- und Besucherinformationen


    Adresse: Lutterzandweg 12
    PLZ / Ort: 7587 LH  De Lutte
    Region: Twente
    Provinz/Region: Overijssel

    Visit: Ein durchschnittlicher Besuch dauert ca. 4 Std.
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