Royal Waiting Room Baarn

Entrance Royal Waiting Room Baarn
Waiting for the train like a king
Baarn - Nowadays there are train routes where only second class is available. The third class was abolished in 1956 and today the distinction between the first and second class is minimal. You only have a little more chance of a seat and a little more legroom in the first class. No distinction is made at all in waiting areas at the station. Or is it? Because what do you do when you're king and waiting for your train?
Royal waiting rooms
Some train stations in the Netherlands have a special waiting area for the royal family. One of those stations with a Royal Waiting Room is Baarn. Nowadays Baarn station is a train station like so many others. But Baarn used to be an important destination for wealthy families from Amsterdam, who had beautiful villas surrounded by greenery here. And of course there is also as a residence of the Royal family in Baarn: Soestdijk Palace.
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What does Merel say?
The Royal Waiting Room was built in 1874 and was originally intended as a reception and departure point for the royal family and their guests when they traveled by train. It is not known exactly how often the Royal Waiting Room was actually used. After the Second World War, the waiting room fell out of use and was handed over to the Dutch Railways in 1976.