Dudok Top 10

Hilversum Town Hall. Undisputed Dudok's finest design
His finest buildings in Hilversum
Hilversum - Dudok was a Dutch modernist architect for the city of Hilversum in the twenties of the last century. At that time Hilversum was growing rapidly, transforming from a small village into a medium-sized city. Dudok built houses, public buildings, such as the world famous town hall of Hilversum and even entire neighborhoods.
1. Hilversum Town Hall
The town hall near the city center is the crown on the work of architect Dudok. He made his first sketches as early as 1895, but the work was carried out between 1928 and 1931.2. Multatulischool

3. Snelliusschool

4. Sportpark
Olympic Games in Hilversum

5. Zuiderhof cemetry

6. Fabritius- and Ruysdaelschool

7. Duivenstraat

8. Noorderbegraafplaats cemetry

9. Oude Haven
The Old Harbour

10. Nienke van Hichtumschool

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