Where does the Rhine enter the Netherlands?

The river Rhine at the border between Germany and the Netherlands
The border between Germany and the Netherlands
Spijk - 1,233 kilometers (766 miles). The Rhine is one of the longer rivers in Europe. But from a global perspective, with competitors as the Amazon and Nile, the Rhine does not even appear in the top 100 of the longest rivers in the world.
Dutch children used to learn at school that the Rhine enters the Netherlands at the village of Lobith. But that is not true (anymore). It used to be that way, but as the flow of the Rhine changed over the years and the border shifted, the Rhine enters the Netherlands near the village of Spijk since 1817.

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What does Nick say?
Editor hotspotholland.nl
At the place where the Rhine flows into the Netherlands, you can get off your bike to enjoy the panoramic view of the river. Nice weather? Then bring a towel and sunscreen and choose a private beach along the water. Storm or extremely high water? Even then it is beautiful on the river! Extremely low water? Bring your gold pan and who knows ...