Huis Bergh Castle

Huis Bergh Castle
One of the largest medieval castles in the Netherlands
s-Heerenberg - Behind the meter-thick walls of the keep of Kasteel Huis Bergh are the weapon and coin room. This fortified residential tower has been the safest part of the castle for hundreds of years. It has never been taken. From the top, the count had a good overview of his lands. The residential tower of Kasteel Huis Bergh contains a number of ingenious escape routes and a unique feature: a turd catcher. But more on that later. The 12th century Huis Bergh Castle is one of the largest medieval castles in the Netherlands.
Huis Bergh Castle overview
You reach the outer bailey via a small gate, a bridge and again a gate. Around the courtyard of the outer bailey are the Poortwachterswoning and the Rentmeestershuis, which now houses a restaurant and offices. Besides walls and another bridge, there is also a Flat tower and a Round tower. In these last 2 you can spend the night like a king.From the outer bailey you reach the main castle via a bridge. Within the walls of the main castle you will find successively a keep with a weapon and coin room, the main building and a chapel. Via the landing you reach the hall, the Italian room, the Throne Room, Antonius Room, Habsburg Room and a small courtyard.