Eco Cathedral Mildam

Eco cathedral or landscape ruin?
Gardening 2.0 by the wild orchardman
Mildam - Recycling has become very common these days and waste is no longer called trash but 'commodity'. A few decates ago, recycling was less obvious. In the seventies of the last century 'Wild gardener' Louis le Roy started to re-use building materials in his garden. Over the decades his garden has become a surreal landscape ruin.
Curbs and roof tiles in the garden
In the 70s of the last century orchardman Louis le Roy began stacking used building materials like bricks, curbs and roof tiles. The only rule was no cement!Later on others took over and up to today the "Ecocathedral" is still expanding with new shapes. The empty pasture from the past is now crammed and overgrown and is called eco cathedral (but the word cathedral implies somewhat more than what it is).

Visitors rate Eco Cathedral Mildam with 4 out of 5 stars
Average is based on 2 votes
What does Nick say?
Creative with stacked stones and tiles and the rest is nature. Do not expect a landscaped garden. This is just ... different