Visit Groningen city




Largest city in the north

Groningen - Groningen is the largest city in the northern part of the Netherlands and has the same name as the surrounding province. Groningen city has a wide variety of shops (many are unexpected and original), great nightlife (170+ pubs and clubs) and interesting things to see (lot's of monuments and culture). Groningen city is one of the best student cities to live in. And thanks to these students there is always a lot to do. Enjoy your trip!

Prinsenhof, Groningen
Prinsenhof, Groningen

Groningen sightseeing

The central Grote Markt square is home to the old Martinitoren clock tower. From the top you have a great view over the city and country side. The adjoining Martinikerk is a large Gothic church. Between the central train station and the city center, set on a canal, the futuristic Groninger Museum showcases modern and contemporary art and ceramics.
Also located in the inner-city, the Northern Maritime Museum traces the history of shipbuilding and shipping in the region.

Visit Groningen city photo gallery

What do visitors say about Visit Groningen city?

Groningen trips in the area

    Adress and visitor information

    Visit Groningen city

    Postal code and City: 9747  Groningen
    Province/Region: Groningen

    Visit: An average visits takes approx. 4 hours.
    Shopping? In Groningen downtown most shops are open on Sunday afternoon too.

    Let op: The locations on the map are indicational. It is not always the entrance, parking lot or best route. The map shows up to 8 locations in the area. Want to see all locations? Check our Hotspot map or use the Search option on this website.



    New moon


    Groningen is not just a city. Also the province is called Groningen. In the city and its surroundings live about 350.000 people.

    Where to stay Groningen?

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