Museum De Buitenplaats

Museum De Buitenplaats in Eelde

Museum De Buitenplaats in Eelde


Contemporary figurative art and organic architecture

Eelde - Figurative art is characterized by recognizable subjects such as landscapes, still lifes or portraits. Museum De Buitenplaats shows and collects this figurative art from after 1945 - with emphasis on artists living in the Netherlands. The building and the garden act as a "frame" for the exhibitions and podium events.

Summer months

The best time to visit is during summer. In summer there is a sculpture exhibition in the garden and concerts are regularly held. Consult the website for the current exchange exposition. The exhibitions at Museum De Buitenplaats focus on contemporary figurative art.

The garden of Museum De Buitenplaats in Eelde near the city of Groningen
The garden of Museum De Buitenplaats in Eelde near the city of Groningen

Garden and buildings

The special shapes of the museum building itself are a fine example of organic architecture: masonry walls are interspersed with overgrown stone piles and roof gardens and borders merge into green outdoor rooms. The accompanying garden of Jørn Copijn is also worth a visit.

If you have time, make an appointment and visit the Nijsinghuis. Several rooms in this National Monument from 1654 were painted by Matthijs Röling.

What do visitors say about Museum De Buitenplaats?

Eelde trips in the area

    Adress and visitor information

    Museum De Buitenplaats

    Address: Hoofdweg 76
    Postal code and City: 9761 EK  Eelde
    Region: Groningen regio
    Province/Region: Drenthe
    Phone: +31 (0)50 3095818

    Visit: An average visits takes approx. 1,5 hours.
    Please contact your destination for pricing and availability.

    Let op: The locations on the map are indicational. It is not always the entrance, parking lot or best route. The map shows up to 8 locations in the area. Want to see all locations? Check our Hotspot map or use the Search option on this website.



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