Medieval churches in Groningen

Medieval churches in Groningen
Pilgrimage along 10 historic churches in North Groningen
The province of Groningen has almost a hundred medieval churches. And that is quite unique. Where else in the world are there so many in such a small area? The Romano-Gothic churches were built in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Organ enthusiasts can also go to Groningen. Most of the old instruments are still playable. Grab your bike or put on your walking shoes and go out. What are the most beautiful old churches to visit?
The Bartholomeuskerk in Stedum was built in the thirteenth century. It is a large church with a gable roof tower. The church is seen as the pinnacle of Romano-Gothic architecture in Groningen. Most of the medieval churches here in the province were built in this style.
Loppersum is best known for the earthquakes caused by gas extraction. The Dutch Reformed Peter and Paul Church in Loppersum has been rebuilt, expanded and restored countless times in its history. Also special are the various murals from the late fifteenth century.
The large medieval Jacobus church of Zeerijp is a cross church. It is striking that the bell tower is separate from the church. Very little has been changed at the Jacobuskerk since its construction. This makes it perhaps the most original church on our list.
The Mariakerk in Westerwijtwerd is a large rectangular church from the thirteenth century. Inside the church is sober. A striking feature is the painting of two fighters, made in the thirteenth or fourteenth century. The original St Mary's tower was as high as the church, but the stones show that the tower was raised in a later period.
The Mariakerk is located on the mound of the village of Oosterwijtwerd. It is one of the oldest brick churches in Groningen; it dates back to before 1200. After a Mary apparition, the church was a place of pilgrimage for a long time.
The Martinuskerk of Marsum is one of our favorite places in the North Groningen landscape. The picturesque church is situated on a mound. There are few buildings in the area. The church was built somewhere between the 12th and 14th century and is all that remains of the village of Marsum.
The construction of the Donatus Church in Leermens started in 1050. Paintings of the symbols of the four Evangelists can be found on the vaults. Below the choir is a 16th century burial vault.
The Andreaskerk in Westeremden is a beautiful old church.
The Janskerk in Huizinge was built in 1250. The tower was built in the 14th century.
The Georgius Church (or St. Joris) of Stitswerd has a striking ocher-colored color.