Radio Kootwijk

Radio Kootwijk
Radio Kootwijk
Abandoned radio station
Radio Kootwijk - During the interbellum, the period between the 2 World wars, there were no satelites and mobile phones... a long wave radio is the 'state of art' when it comes to global communication.
To communicate with Bandoeng in the Dutch East Indies, Radio Kootwijk was built in 1918. The station was built far away from any radio interference, in Nationaal Park the Veluwe. A little town for the employees (also called Radio Kootwijk) was built in it surroundings. The station building is very impressive and hosts now an occasional concert or film shoot.
Visitors rate Radio Kootwijk with 4 out of 5 stars
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What does Merel say?
Not only the place name "Radio Kootwijk" is curious, the huge transmitter building is also special. It's like a cathedral. Unfortunately, there are few opportunities to see this special monument from the inside. Fortunately, a trip to Radio Kootwijk is never in vain. The Veluwe is at its most beautiful here and you have a very good chance of seeing wild animals such as wild boars and red deer.