Westlichster Punkt Deutschlands
Westlichster Punkt Deutschlands
Selfkant - Germany is 8.7 times larger than the Netherlands and borders no fewer than nine different countries. You may not expect it, but on the German side of the Narrowest Piece of the Netherlands lies a special point for our Eastern neighbors: the Westlichster Punkt Deutschlands.
So narrow is the Netherlands
The west of Germany borders four countries: the Netherlands (577 km), Belgium (167 km), Luxembourg (135 km) and France (451 km). The westernmost point of that 1,330 kilometer long border line is on the Dutch border, near the village of Susteren in Central Limburg, in the south of the Netherlands. This place is special to the Netherlands too. 4.8 kilometers to the left, Belgium starts again - that's how narrow the Netherlands is in this part of the Netherlands.
What do visitors say about Westernmost Point in Germany?
Visitors rate Westernmost Point in Germany with 4 out of 5 stars
Average is based on 1 votes