Longest stairway

Stone Mountain Wilhelmina has the longest stairway: 508 stairs to the top
At Wilhelmina mine stone mountain
Landgraaf - Coal mine Wilhelmina, named after the former Dutch Queen, was closed in 1969. What remained after 69 years of mining was a hughe mine stone mountain; the largest in the Netherlands with a total volume of 20 billion cubic meter stone. Nobody knew what to do with the mountain until a great idea was launched: a mountain to go for a ski!
Wilhelmina mountain
Wilhelmina mountain also appeared to be the perfect location for the longest stairway. The stairway is 248 meters long and has 508 stairs; 8 more than the famous Dom church tower in Utrecht.Illusion
The stairs at the foot of the mountain are 12 meters wide; the stairs at the top are only 2 meters wide. This illusion makes the stairs look even higher.The stairs span a height of 90 meters. It's a popular training location for runners.
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