Oudenbosch Basilica: St. Pieter of the north

Oudenbosch Basilica of the Holy Agatha and Barbara
Oudenbosch - Yamoussoukro -Vatican City
Oudenbosch - What is the similarity between the Dutch Oudenbosch, Yamoussoukro in Ivory Coast and Vatican City? Although the dimensions differ, both the basilica of the H.H. Agatha and Barbara and the Basilique de Notre Dame de la Paix in Ivory Coast both based on the famous Sint Pieter in Vatican City.
Basilica major Oudenbosch
Pope Pius X granted a hundred years ago the H.H. Agatha and Barbarakerk in Oudenbosch the honorary title basilica minor . The church is 81 meters long and 55 meters wide. The huge dome is 63 meters high and towers high above the town and the surrounding area. In 1865, when construction started, only 3500 people lived in Oudenbosch. Despite the small population, the then pastor Willem Hellemons was determined to build a grand church to Roman example.
Thanks to the 'Sint Pieter' (or the basilica of the H.H. Agatha and Barbara), Oudenbosch is also the 'Rome of the Low Countries ' named. The Koepelkerk is a pastiche (mishmash) of 2 Roman basilics.
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